We feel that there is a risk of transmission amongst staff and students unless mitigating measures are implemented. Therefore we have put the following additional measures in place to reduce risk to staff and students and to stop the spread ofCoronavirus - Covid 19 in our setting.
St Peters Parish Hall, bushey heath.
One-way System
A one-way system for class entry and exit is in place and it is clearly marked with signs to ensure social distancing. Class entry is to the right hand side of the building, adhering to 2 metre distance markers on the paving stones. Class exit is through the main front doors. Parents are not to congregate in groups outside the premises and are to leave promptly after drop off and collection.
Hand Sanitising Three touch free stations have been installed and are clearly marked for use on entry and exit to the building. These are also for use before entering and exiting toilets.
Toilets We have a one in one out rule.Signs have been placed on doors to remind students of this and staff will ensure it is enforced. Hand washing reminder signs have been placed on toilet exit doors and above sinks.
Face Coverings Face coverings must be worn in St Peter’s Parish hall unless one of the following exemptions applies:
Students and teachers participating in the class.
Children under the age of 11 years old.
Medical reasons.
All parents must wear masks if they need to enter the building to settle young children.
We will have the widows open (closest to the side entrance) to ensure the room is well ventilated. This will mean the room may feel colder than usual so please bring an extra layer of clothing if you think you may need it.
No student is allowed to attend if they have tested positive for Covid 19 OR is displaying symptoms. It is the responsibility of parents or carers to ensure that their child and household are symptom-free before sending their child to classes. All staff members are to follow the same procedures.
A parent advisory group has been created to help us keep ahead of situations in local schools and be a support network for management team at Dramaspectrum
Respect our one-way system
Hand sanitisation on arrival and exit
Students MUST NOT attend if they contract covid 19.
We encourage wearing face coverings, unless exempt.